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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: Transformation"
Yes/And . . . Richard Rohr on mystics having no need to lord it over others.
Family Celebrations Tim Myers' poem on transforming a new house into a home.
The Joy of Family Traditions Jennifer Trainer Thompson on commemorating a daughter's transition into womanhood.
Creating Community Anywhere Fran Peavy's birthday ritual to assess the year past and to foresee the year ahead.
Three Steps to Awakening Larry Rosenberg on how breath awareness can result in paying attention to details of ordinary life.
The Heart of Christianity Marcus J. Borg on the nature of Christian spiritual practice.
Bouncing Back Linda Graham on how using it or losing it applies to resilience.
The Coming Interspiritual Age Kurt Johnson on how the interspiritual movement means more shared wisdom.
Immortal Diamond Richard Rohr on how to undue your mistakes by positive action.
Inviting a Monkey to Tea Nancy Colier on our fear that we are not good enough.